Be Proactive: Common Facilities Electrical Problems That Cause Disruption

Many businesses will see electrical problems in their lifetime that cause massive disruptions. The easiest way to combat this issue is to practice proactive maintenance to prevent future disturbances. Preventative maintenance looks like fixing damaged outlets, preparedness for electrical surges during times of immense heat or cold, broken switches, tree clearing to prevent damage to powerlines or other parts of the facility, and upgrading outdated electrical wiring. Electrical problems come when least expected, but that does not mean businesses cannot minimize the effects when they pop up. 

1. Electrical Surges Are Among the Top Electrical Problems

Other facilities challenges when handling electrical problems include preparing for electrical surges. Surges typically happen in the peak summer and winter seasons based on the sustainability of the U.S. electric power grid. Overuse of electrical systems can overwhelm the grid, create blackouts, or force rolling blackouts to prevent the grid from too much damage. Furthermore, the water damage that causes broken window seals or damaged doors can also affect the outcome of electrical surges. If the building envelope gets damaged, HVAC and other electric-powered items pull in more electricity, creating the potential for more damage. 

2. Outlets May Be Damaged, Short Out, or Too Few in Number

Other common electrical problems management may not think about include damaged outlets or too few outlets. Damaged outlets or outlets that short out tend to be a fire hazard for anyone entering the building. This produces fire and safety hazards; having too few outlets can overwhelm the building’s electrical system, quickly flip breakers and even blow the entire system. 

3. Broken Switches Are Another Risk Too

Other problems to watch out for to avoid facility disruption would be to monitor switches. Broken switches present a risk because the wires can short or become exposed. In addition to the obvious fire hazard, broken switches also can be harmful to those who touch them and are not protected. A broken light switch is often the start of a horror film or ominous scene in a movie. But in real life, a broken light switch is often a sign of either bad electrical work, loose wiring, or both, states Either way, broken switches lead to costly repairs if given time to foster the issues. 

4. Outdated Electrical Wiring Presents a Risk

For integrated facilities management and preventing other electrical problems, evaluate the current electrical wiring for any needed updates. Electrical wiring is not built to last forever, and they often short out. Ensure they can be upgraded to grow with the building’s needs. 

5. Aging Assets May Also Possess Electrical Problems Too

 For example, outdated appliances like electrical appliances or older HVAC units within a building present a fire hazard simply due to age. Older units tend to need more electricity to power, increasing the effects on the structure and risk for other electrical problems in the future. 

Reduce Your Risk for Electrical Problems by Working With SMG Integrated Facilities Solutions

A sure way to reduce the risk for electrical problems is to utilize facilities management outsourcing. Working with a partner that can offer those solutions will decrease the risk of damage to the building. Do not let issues like outdated systems or broken switches make the whole building go up in smoke. Connect with SMG Facility Services to get started today.

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